Why we tell stories about commoning and crisis
How creative storytelling can help explore crises, weird ecologies and possibilities, a chat about environmentalism and toxic digital technology, and an event in Scotland to connect and share stories.
Seeing commons through popular genres
Why use zines, comic books and other visual arts and stories to explore commons and crises? Amber Huff, coordinator of the Centre for Future Natures, is interviewed on David Bollier’s podcast, Frontiers of Commoning.
Storytelling is a way to make other people’s perspectives – especially those of historically marginalized people – more visible, and to validate them. In this sense, storytelling can achieve a shift of power in how we choose to understand the world, stepping away somewhat from traditional academic forms of storytelling and amplifying the voices of people not usually heard.
Popular genres like comics and film have enduring appeal, said Huff, because in today’s chaotic times, they help us make sense of a world that is increasing abnormal, if not utterly weird.
Unearthing environmentalism and post-capitalist vampires
On a new episode of the Future Natures podcast, we talk to Patrick Bresnihan, co-author of the book All We Want is the Earth, which explores histories of environmentalism beyond familiar Eurocentric accounts.
Patrick also explains how digital technologies and infrastructures are reshaping life - not only online, but on land, as data centres demand ever more space and resources.
‘Strange Broth’: Making and remaking commons in Scotland and beyond
25-27 April 2025
GalGael, Glasgow, Scotland
A call to gather and make, learn, play and share stories for commons and commoning
Hosted by the Glasgow-based working community GalGael, Strange Broth will be a dynamic and radical gathering – a convergence for the ‘commoners’ of Scotland and beyond, both practicing and aspiring. Together we’ll stir up old stories and cook up new ones, form bonds, kindle new collaborations and find ways to take care of each other and our collective futures.
The call for expressions of interest is open until 28 February, and there is a variety of different ways to involved.
We are now on Instagram
Find us at @future__natures for clips and snapshots from Future Natures.
Join the network
Future Natures aims to support a network that includes diverse communities of researchers, commoners, and commoning-aligned artists, writers, makers and others.
Our networking space aims to provide ways for people to connect across borders, places and experiences. The space includes a discussion forum and ways to share information or ideas with other people in the network.